General information on Hong Kong
Learn everything you need to know for your trip to Hong Kong, from visa requirements and currency to language tips and which plugs to bring! We'll try and answer all of your most frequently asked questions.
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Hong Kong in numbers
Hong Kong has a population of over 7.5 million, giving it one of the highest population densities in the world at 6,500 people per square kilometre. Areas like Kowloon are several times that number.
Time difference
The official time in Hong Kong is UTC+08:00. There's no daylight saving time so it's 8 hours later than London's GMT all year round.
Electricity and plugs
Hong Kong has 220V electricity like much of Europe and uses a three-prong UK-style plug.
Business hours
Most shops are open daily between 10 am and 7 pm, although there are plenty of food stores open 24 hours a day. Night markets and street food stalls usually begin to pack up around 11 pm. Restaurants are usually open for lunch from 11 am to 3 pm and for dinner from 6 pm to 11 pm.
No vaccinations are advised for travel to Hong Kong, although it's always advisable to make sure your general vaccinations are up to date anyway. Tap water is safe to drink according to WHO standards, but most locals prefer bottled water.
The health system in Hong Kong is generally excellent, however it is expensive, so we highly recommend that you take out comprehensive travel insurance before travelling to cover all eventualities.
Useful telephone numbers
- China prefix: +86.
- Hong Kong prefix: +852.
- Police: +852 2527 7177.
- Emergency: 999.